Thursday, October 20, 2011

Grade 4's Strengthen their Mind and Body through Social Studies and Science Curriculum!

Social Studies - History of Alberta
The grade 4's have been participating in many activities to learn about personal responsibility in keeping our earth healthy and protecting our natural resources.  On a beautiful September afternoon, we imagined that we were European immigrants who settled in Alberta over 100 years ago.  We had to carry water from the nearby pond to our home (aka...our school) for cooking and bathing.  Well, the pond was waaaaaaaayyy farther from the school than it seemed and when some water accidentally spilled from our buckets on the way back, it was a catastrophe!  Everyone was hot and sweaty by the time we were done hauling water to fill up our buckets.  Not only did we find out how hard that lifestyle was, but we developed an appreciation for our easily accessible and endless supply of clean, hot water. 

Fetching water isn't as easy as it sounds!

Science - Waste in Our World
We've also made plant-compost teabags, created our own classroom compost bin, planted radishes in compost rich soil and best of all, each student got to have a pile of worms on their desk to handle and explore!  They found egg sacs to babies to teenagers to pregnant adults.

Composting in the classroom.

Red wiggler compost worms.  Cool and gross at the same time!

  This week we are carrying the weight of our garbage with us for a whole 24 hours so that we can educate people about the amount of waste we each create in one day.

1 comment:

  1. I love this! I would love to know how you made plant compost tea bags and more about carrying the weight of you garbage. What great ideas I would love to do them in my classroom!! The kids learn so much from these hands on experiences.
